2023 Intake Open University of Kenya
2023 Intake Open University of Kenya

Monthly Archives: November 2023

Cover and blurb of 10 Financial & Wealth Attitudes to Avoid book. ILLUSTRATION/Charles Mwewa.

Book Review: 10 Financial & Wealth Attitudes to Avoid                  

Title: 10 Financial & Wealth Attitudes to Avoid Author: Prof. Charles Mwewa          Publisher: Africa in Canada Press (ACP)        Reviewer: Stephen Misori The book, 10 Financial & Wealth Attitudes to Avoid, opens...

UNEP Report: Surging fossil fuel production jeopardizes climate goals

Released ahead of the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, the report predicts a worrisome future, despite 151 national governments having pledged to...

Why diversity and continuity are key in tree planting

Trees are a vital component of our ecosystem and play various roles in the sustainability of life in general. Trees present a multitude of business...

Why Africa’s visioned start-ups must embrace strategic collaborations

Africa needs a wider understanding and access to skillsets to employ oneself through education. Start-up companies need to take into consideration and familiarize themselves with...

Zetech University’s first Master’s students graduate in auspicious ceremony 

The graduation theme was dubbed Igniting Minds and Revolutionizing Education Through AI. Evolving from humble beginnings, Zetech University officially emerged in 1999 when Mbiuki leased...

Poetry: A million things

Born a million hours ago Learned a million things Had a million laughs And a million cries It’s what it is: this world. Have paid a million shillings To learn...

Leaders call for Africa’s unity as Lukenya University welcomes Pan-African Institute

The university had the launch of the Pan-African Institute and 5th graduation ceremony. According to Julius Malema, the recently launched Pan-African Institute is a...

Book Review: Champions

Book Title: Champions Author: Charles Mwewa Publisher and Year: Africa in Canada Press (ACP), 2022 Get Your Copy: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1988251346 Reviewer: Stephen Misori Charles Mwewa is an advocate based in...

Floods ravage Northern Kenya as heavy rainfall hits the region

Over 1,000 livestock and 221 acres of agricultural farmland have been lost as of November 5. According to OCHA, nearly 10,230 households have been affected...
FX trader in motion. One advantage of FX trading is flexible working hours, and it is becoming the go-to business for many young Kenyans PHOTO/Courtesy.

Exploring Forex Trading, a rising trend among Kenyan youth

A standout characteristic of forex trading lies in the unparalleled market size and liquidity, considering that it is the largest financial market in the...