2023 Intake Open University of Kenya
2023 Intake Open University of Kenya

Njoroge Njuguna

SN. Njuguna is a holistic Development and Communication activist. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, (Development Communication and Public Relations) from St. Paul's university. His contact: samuelnjorogenjuguna837@gmail.com
Professor David Ngugi, shares a piece of cake with his grandchildren on his 80th Birthday celebration. PHOTO/Courtesy.
Cracking CBC is an easy and affordable task. Teachers and academic stakeholders should approach education creatively. Patience is key as Kenyans await the fruit of the new curriculum. Successful past generations embraced CBC-like mentorship. Professor David Ngugi is a widely read, informed and accomplished scholar.  Now aged 82, he first tasted the basics of education as a young child through his mother, Rahab Njeri,...
The missionary PCEA church in Thogoto, Kikuyu, where the cradle of education found its bearing and home. PHOTO/Njoroge Njuguna, The Scholar Media Africa.
Thogoto, a quiet, cool and moderately populated village in the heart of the Kikuyu area, was not the original name of the village that now boasts tens of learning and other institutions distributed in a 3000-hectare patch of land. The following is its insightful and inspiring story, as narrated by Mzee Kenneth Gitau, now 85, a pioneer teacher, leader and...
Creating preventative awareness through sports in the rehabilitation center's neighborhood. Jane has been exposing the young people to sports and other activities to keep them from drugs and substance abuse. PHOTO/Njoroge Njuguna, The Scholar Media Africa.
According to Jane Mwangi, a former career Banker, currently, the Director of the Willing Way Wellness Center, the true path of destiny hangs around and about us all the time, from the cradle to the grave. These words reflect Jane's life, and the years gone by, as she grew up, interacting and working in a traditional village setting in Kyeni, Embu...
Michael Kariuki, second from right, with other students, listen to an address by the school leadership at the school grounds shortly after the release of the 2022 KCPE results. The school performed excellently. PHOTO/Njoroge Njuguna, The Scholar Media Africa.
There was once a Biblical garden of Eden whose location remains a mystery! Young Michael Kariuki, a jovial, confident, inquisitive, amiable, and avid book lover, was brought to another type of garden by his parents a couple years ago. His first day in the Sunrise Children Garden School (Sunrise C. G. School) must have stirred some not-too-pleasant emotions, unlike his last...