2023 Intake Open University of Kenya
2023 Intake Open University of Kenya

Vincent Sagwe

Mr. Sagwe is currently the Secretary/CEO at www.safelinefarm.com. He has extensive experience in agriculture and leadership, having served as Kisii County Executive Member for Agriculture, (2013-2017), at the county's Ministry of Roads (2017-2022) and at KTDA (1996-2010). His contact: vsagwe@gmail.com
Trees are a vital component of our ecosystem and play various roles in the sustainability of life in general. Trees present a multitude of business ventures and investment opportunities when harvested sustainably.  Planting a variety of trees in Africa is a powerful and pragmatic strategy to curb the sting of climate change.  Monday, November 13, 2023, was declared the national tree planting...
Availability, access, utilization, and stability act as the four cornerstones of food security.  The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war is disrupting supply chains and further affecting the prices of grain, fertilizer, and energy.  Unavailability of food, inadequate health systems, and an unhealthy environment resulting in a lack of proper care in households and communities contribute to malnutrition. According to the Committee on World Food...
In Kenya, the agricultural sector comprises six subsectors: industrial crops, food crops, horticulture, livestock, fisheries and forestry.  Positively transforming agriculture is crucial to growing the economy and alleviating poverty. It has been said that apart from Singapore and Hong Kong, no country has been able to achieve middle-income status without transforming its agriculture.  For a long time, agriculture has been the mainstay...