2023 Intake Open University of Kenya
2023 Intake Open University of Kenya

Zablon Ogutu

AUTHOR: Leo Masore Nyang'au GENRE: Fiction PUBLICATION DETAILS: Lemanya Printers REVIEWER: Zablon Ogutu EMAIL: z.ogutu@scholarmedia.africa Dispersing Seeds of Discord is actually a realistic novel. It depicts what goes on in our contemporary society on a day to day basis. As the title suggests, disbursing means spreading and seeds of discord symbolizes materials or information that counteracts the other. As can be seen from the cover illustration, there are pictures of various objects such as...
Author: Henry Ole Kulet Genre: Fiction     Publisher: Sasa Sema Publications, Nairobi. An imprint of Longhorn, 2009 Reviewer: Zablon Ogutu The novel Blossoms of the Savannah is a story of harshness and hardships of two girls who are at the verge of womanhood. It depicts a sudden confrontation with unfamiliar traditions by Taiyo and Resian. Basically, this foreign encounter is the umbrella of the...