2023 Intake Open University of Kenya
2023 Intake Open University of Kenya


Individual and Expert opinion. Be a contributor by submitting your articles for publication

Climate Journalism 101: Strategies for Accurate, Engaging, and Impactful Reporting

Journalists should consult experts with credible reputation by interviewing climate scientists, ecologists, and policy experts to validate their information. When reporting on climate change, journalists should provide context by including historical comparisons like pre-industrial carbon...

From Cybersecurity to Digital Etiquette, See Essential Practices for Safe Internet Use

Practicing digital etiquette by behaving respectfully and responsibly in digital interactions, whether through emails, social media, or messaging can help in safe digital use. Safe digital use involves protecting personal information whereby one limits...

How Warped Perspective of the Principle of Checks and Balance is Hurting Kenya, Africa

A significant issue impacting the effectiveness of checks and balances in Kenya is the persistent power struggle between branches. African principles such as Harambee in the East, Ubuntu in the South, Ummah in the North,...

OPINION: A Peep Into Kenya’s Construction Landscape Reveals Promising Insights and Innovations

With Kenya's Vision 2030 emphasising infrastructure development, innovations such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) and prefabrication are gaining traction, promising to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. The surge in residential, commercial, and infrastructural projects is...

The Unraveling Promise: A critical examination of Kenya’s Social Health Authority scheme

While SHA Chairman Abdi Mohammed argues that the scheme embodies equity by having higher earners subsidise lower earners, this argument falls flat when confronted with the reality of the low benefit caps. With allocations...

Impact of digital disruption on accreditation and media standards in Kenya

Given that the disruption has not gone full cycle, Kenyan media can either rise to the occasion or risk falling into irrelevance as the wheels of transformation continue to spin.   The bottom line is...

Opinion: For Kenya to get back on track, sweep Parliament clean

Kenyans are tired of leaders who treat their positions as personal fiefdoms rather than as seats of responsibility and accountability. We cannot sit idly by, watching the spectacle of parliamentary drama unfold while our lives...

Children Reports in Media Must be Anchored on Ethics

For content creators, the desire to chase for clicks can sometimes blur the line between ethics and the right to inform the public on events and incidents. Re-victimisation often happens as journalists and content creators...

The future of Kenya’s leadership: A call for Emotional Intelligence and grace

Social media has become a battleground where insults are traded, and public disagreements are aired out in the open, often with little regard for the potential consequences. Young leaders, in their quest to differentiate themselves...

Legal Expertise Meets Education: Julius Migos Ogamba’s transformative leadership set to manifest at Education...

By Douglas Ogari Ogamba's strategic vision and problem-solving abilities have garnered him respect and appreciation, making him an obvious candidate for a leadership position in the public sector. Kenya has seen effective tenures of non-educators at...