- In the five-year scheme, the county government has prioritized key interventions across sectors whereby it would deploy human, material, and technical resources to up services.
- In the finance sector, the county government targets to increase its revenue levels in the next five years so as to meet its expenditure needs.
- In their area of disaster management, they plan to have a rapid response to disaster through the improvement of disaster response infrastructure and equipment.
The county government of Nyamira has developed a County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) for the next five years with a working formula to help it actualize development for the people.
The CIDP, whose implementation is expected to run between 2023-2027, captures, among other key areas, the projections per department, a preview of the previous CIDP with its challenges as it builds on the successes achieved so far to make the current one more successful.
The CIDP also provides guidance on the key areas to be implemented for the realization of the development activities across the county.
In the five-year scheme, the county government has prioritized key interventions across sectors whereby it would deploy human, material, and technical resources to up services.
These would include training and allocation of more resources in areas that are reported to be underfunded but are seen as key in improving the lives of the people in the county.
Combating poor learning
In the education sector, the CIDP is meant to cure the problem of a poor learning environment for the learners through infrastructural improvement in the learning environment by building new classrooms and helping procure and supply furniture to the Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) centers.
This is expected to make learning conducive for both the teacher and the learner.
The county government will also muster support from major stakeholders to support ECDE infrastructure development through resource mobilization and by strengthening partnerships and linkages.
Under general review of the ECDE sector, there has been recorded improved management of ECDE with better access to quality early childhood development with an improvement of 70%.
In the five-year plan, the county Public Service Management Department, being at the center of service delivery and general administration of the county government, is putting measures to up general administration and human resource development.
In the human resource sub-sector, the department intends to ensure the timely delivery of core managerial and leadership competencies at the county, generally aiming to improve service delivery.
This would include putting interventions like establishing mental wellness and counseling unit for staff.
The county government recognizes the importance of communication as a tool to reach its public at whatever level.
Capacitating communication
To that effect, it plans to cure the inadequacies in its communication by strengthening the capacity of its communication unit to deliver service by communicating to its public.
The public participation docket works closely with the communication subsector, which intends to establish a well-structured coordination, management and administration framework for public participation with an expected outcome of an effective public participation framework for citizen engagement programs.
The Public participation tool has remained vital in the formulation of county government frameworks.
By design, the Department of Gender, Youth, Sports, Culture and Social Services is literally home to the governor’s flagship projects.
To that end, the department is planning, in the five years of the implementation of this CIDP, to complete and have them ready for use.
They include Manga Stadium, a museum at Manga, a rehabilitation center for alcohol and substance abusers at Bosamaro, and a youth empowerment center at Nyamaiya.
In the finance sector, the county government targets to increase its revenue levels in the next five years so as to meet its expenditure needs.
Subsequently, the county government will require slightly over KSh40 billion to implement its development plan.
Revenue kitty
To raise its revenue kitty and seal the resource gap, the county government has set areas it needs to improve on, like perfecting revenue automation and partnering with private entities on areas of investments.
The department also intends to develop Rapid Results Initiative frameworks.
The county Department of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries has a five-year plan to, among others, practice crop, agribusiness and land management with a key objective to improve food security and eradicate poverty in the county.
This will result in improved food production and farming practices among the people.
The department also intends to upgrade County Agricultural Extension Support Services, help farmers to practice nutrition-sensitive agriculture (NSA), which promotes innovations and technologies on kitchen gardening, training youth in agriculture and other upcoming young farmers.
Improving forest cover
The Department of Environment, Water Energy, and Natural Resources intends, among others, to improve forest cover across the county and improve water supply and management service.
The objective is to increase accessibility to clean and safe water for domestic and industrial use.
The department will want to have more households having access to clean and safe water.
Equally, it will see the betterment of irrigation, drainage, and water storage development systems across the county.
With a keen eye on climate change and its effects in the region, the department wishes to work on mainstreaming climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to promote green growth and circular economy activities.
These will ultimately lead to a greater percentage of the population adapting to a green and circular economy.
The Department of Health aims to improve services generally across the five years by better-equipping emergency and referral services, hospital specialized services, and improved commodity security in health facilities.
A review of the previous achievements in the health department saw an improvement in curative and rehabilitative services aimed at reducing incidences of mortality and improving the quality of life of individuals, households, and communities.
Spatial framework for infrastructure
In the Department of Lands, Housing and Physical Planning, the county government has a general objective of providing a spatial framework for infrastructure and socio-economic development of the county across the five-year plan.
This will result in well-coordinated socio-economic development within the county.
The department will also want to enhance housing development and infrastructure through integrated management by upgrading market centers and opening new municipalities to enhance service delivery to the people.
Through the Nyamira municipality, there is a deliberate plan to establish and designate landfills, dumpsites and disposal sites.
This will, in the long run, make Nyamira a healthy town to live in.
In the Department of Roads, the county government intends to construct roads and bridges and rehabilitate and maintain roads for improved transportation of goods and people across the county.
Responding to disasters
In their area of disaster management, they plan to have a rapid response to disaster through the improvement of disaster response infrastructure and equipment.
To create a conducive business environment, the Department of Trade, Industry and Cooperative Development looks forward to improving market infrastructure development and management by constructing sheds for small traders, building modern toilets, and supplying markets with water, including drilling boreholes where necessary.
The department intends to conduct capacity-building and awareness sessions for traders, improve market access through trade fairs and exhibitions, organize and participate in local and international trade fairs and exhibitions, and even provide affordable business financing through loans.
With agriculture as a top county income earner amongst the people, there is potential for opportunities through investment in agricultural production programs.
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Agriculture is the economic backbone of Nyamira County, providing employment and income for many people in the county.