2023 Intake Open University of Kenya
2023 Intake Open University of Kenya

The Higher Ed Bar

Use of AI in Research and Postgraduate Supervision: Balancing Efficiency and Academic Integrity

From research topic search, through literature reviews to data analysis, AI-powered tools offer unparalleled efficiency, helping researchers refine their ideas, improve writing quality, and streamline complex tasks. However, if students rely on AI to write...

Broken Trust: The Rise of Dishonesty in Modern Scientific Research

Scientific research is built on the principles of rigor, transparency, and accountability. However, the rise of unethical practices threatens to undermine these ideals. To understand why such practices are on the rise, it is essential...

A Humble Ghetto Boy who Rose to be University Vice-Chancellor

In Form 4, teachers had to raise funds to pay Okoth’s school fees to keep him in school because they believed he was disciplined, hardworking and had a promising future. Prof. Okoth states that during...

Securing the Future of Kenya by Addressing Systemic Failures in KCSE Exam Administration

The issue of exam irregularities in the KCSE exams highlights systemic failures and unethical practices. A shift towards holistic assessments, incorporating continuous evaluation and character development, could reduce pressure and curtail cheating. Parents should teach their...

Kenya’s Five-Year-Old CBC: A Transformational Education Approach with Implementation Challenges

Launched in 2017, this new framework replaced the long-standing 8-4-4 system with the 2-6-3-3-3 model, designed to prepare learners for a dynamic and rapidly changing world.   The cost of CBC materials, including specialised textbooks...

Examining PSC’s Challenges in University Leadership Recruitment in Kenya

These inefficiencies at the registry level reduce the pool of candidates for consideration and undermine public confidence in the recruitment process. Professors, as the highest rank in academia, provide a unique perspective that is crucial...

Honorary Degrees for Sale: Unmasking Kenya’s Predatory Briefcase Universities

The controversy surrounding Northwestern Christian University and Open Christian University highlights the urgent need for stricter enforcement of higher education regulations in Kenya. The proliferation of rogue institutions exploiting legal loopholes must be curbed to...

Accountability in Academia: Roles of Internal Governance in Tackling Fraud, Scandals in Universities

Financial fraud remains a pervasive issue in Kenyan universities, undermining their ability to deliver quality education and maintain public trust. Academic fraud, particularly the illegal graduation of students, has also been reported, undermining the...

Sexual Servitude in Academia: The Silent Screams of Female Postgraduate Supervisees

The enrollment of women in postgraduate programmes has been on the rise globally, reflecting strides in bridging gender gaps in education. Male supervisors, whether consciously or unconsciously, often hold gender biases that influence their perceptions...

Honorary Degrees: Celebrating Achievements Beyond Academia

Honorary degrees are often tailored to the nature of the achievements they recognise. Kenyan universities continue to honour individuals who have made remarkable societal contributions by awarding honorary degrees. Honorary degrees are awarded to individuals with...