2023 Intake Open University of Kenya
2023 Intake Open University of Kenya

Prof. Maurice Oduor Okoth

Prof. Okoth has been in the university sub-sector for 34 years. Academic positions: -Graduate Assistant -Tutorial Fellow -Lecturer -Senior Lecturer -Associate Professor.Responsibility positions: -Course Coordinator -University Timetabler -Postgraduate Coordinator, -Assistant Registrar (Examinations) -Deputy Registrar Academics -Director, Quality Assurance -Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Students’ Affairs) -Vice-Chancellor | University organs served in; -Departmental Boards -School Boards -Committee of Deans -Senate -University Management -Council | University type Served at; -Public and -Private universities | Regional Service; -Chair, Executive Committee, Inter-University Council for East Africa. His email: okothmdo@gmail.com
Launched in 2017, this new framework replaced the long-standing 8-4-4 system with the 2-6-3-3-3 model, designed to prepare learners for a dynamic and rapidly changing world.   The cost of CBC materials, including specialised textbooks and learning tools, has raised concerns, particularly among low-income families who struggle to afford these additional expenses. The government must increase the education budget to adequately...
These inefficiencies at the registry level reduce the pool of candidates for consideration and undermine public confidence in the recruitment process. Professors, as the highest rank in academia, provide a unique perspective that is crucial for assessing candidates’ scholarly contributions and understanding of academic culture. The PSC’s expansive workload, spanning various government departments, has overstretched its capacity, resulting in inefficiencies and...
The controversy surrounding Northwestern Christian University and Open Christian University highlights the urgent need for stricter enforcement of higher education regulations in Kenya. The proliferation of rogue institutions exploiting legal loopholes must be curbed to protect the integrity of academic qualifications. The CUE and other regulatory bodies must take swift and firm action to address this issue and set a precedent...
Financial fraud remains a pervasive issue in Kenyan universities, undermining their ability to deliver quality education and maintain public trust. Academic fraud, particularly the illegal graduation of students, has also been reported, undermining the meritocratic principles that universities are expected to uphold. National bodies like the Commission for University Education (CUE), EACC, and the Auditor General’s Office play critical...
The enrollment of women in postgraduate programmes has been on the rise globally, reflecting strides in bridging gender gaps in education. Male supervisors, whether consciously or unconsciously, often hold gender biases that influence their perceptions and treatment of female students. Male supervisors have been reported meeting female students late into the night for drinks or coffee, in hotel rooms under the...
Honorary degrees are often tailored to the nature of the achievements they recognise. Kenyan universities continue to honour individuals who have made remarkable societal contributions by awarding honorary degrees. Honorary degrees are awarded to individuals with significant societal contributions, adhering to strict guidelines. In academia, honorary degrees (honoris causa) are prestigious accolades awarded to individuals whose exceptional contributions transcend formal education. Originating in...
Partnerships with global organisations have facilitated staff exchanges, scholarships, and collaborative research, elevating the university’s reputation internationally. The killer bullet for MU was its rapid and unplanned expansion in the 2000s that led to new schools and satellite campuses without proper strategic or financial planning. Truth be told, MU’s challenges would test even the most skilled Vice-Chancellors, as these issues have...
The evolution of appointment and promotion criteria for academic staff in Kenya’s universities were shaped by efforts to enhance academic standards and fairness. As an expert in university education, I can herein caution that the absence of universal criteria opens the door for potential abuses. In light of the complexities and discrepancies surrounding academic appointments and promotions, the need for a...
The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) plays an equally crucial role by overseeing student placement into universities. HELB provides loans to students, enabling many from low-income families to pursue their academic goals. The adoption of Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) marked a shift towards skills-based education from early childhood through to university. Higher education is a cornerstone of national development, playing...
Like it or hate it, University rankings are increasingly shaping the landscape of higher education, influencing everything from student decisions to institutional policies. Although each ranking system has its own methodology, most are built around common core parameters, which are weighted differently. Universities that collaborate with industry and generate income through innovation and applied research tend to score well in this...