2023 Intake Open University of Kenya
2023 Intake Open University of Kenya

Book Review

Beyond telling the African story in an all-positive approach, as a continental media outlet, The Scholar Media Africa remains determined and outstanding in reviewing books. Our support for African Literature and Authorship, in general, goes past the continental borders and we are open to receiving more and more books for review, especially around the African Narrative.

We look forward to having your book(s) reviewed. You can always share a soft copy of the book via our email at editor@scholarmedia.africa and then, within a short time, furnish us with the hard copy (complimentary copy) for our library.

You know, as in the words of Jeanette Winterson, “Books and doors are the same things. You open them, and you go through into another world.”

BOOK REVIEW: Cry, the Beloved Country

GENRE: Novel AUTHOR: Alan Stewart Paton COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: South Africa REVIEWER: Mohammed Oluwatimileyin Taoheed Cry, the Beloved Country is written from the perspective of a third person omniscient narrator, who mainly stays focused on the internal world of...

BOOK REVIEW: The Open Society and Its Enemies Vol. 1

Sometimes when you read text that is over seventy years old, you find it not relevant. The language is 'outdated', words have changed meaning or fallen out of use, references obscures. If it is a...

BOOK REVIEW: Desiree’s Baby

AUTHOR: Kate Chopin REVIEWER: Agatha Rachael Akullu Desiree's Baby, a short story by Kate Chopin was published in her collection "A Night in Acadie" in 1897. Kate's vividly crafted story is a deep analysis of the complex...

BOOK REVIEW: Lawyer’s book to give children hope during Covid-19 pandemic

The name of lawyer Rachael Twinomugisha, popularly known as auntie Rrech has been heard by many in Kampala and beyond for a while. Apart from other things she does, Twinomugisha is freshest children’s literature publisher...

BOOK REVIEW: Arrrow of Destiny

GENRE: Novel AUTHOR: Agatha Rachael Akullu PUBLISHER: Iconic Publications COUNTRY: Uganda REVIEWER: Daniel Tusiimukye K’abaasa Agatha Rachael Akullu wrote Arrow of Destiny at 14 and it is her maiden published book. The story centers around the protagonist- Oumo Cana, who...

BOOK REVIEW: Dispersing Seeds of Discord

AUTHOR: Leo Masore Nyang'au GENRE: Fiction PUBLICATION DETAILS: Lemanya Printers REVIEWER: Zablon Ogutu EMAIL: z.ogutu@scholarmedia.africa Dispersing Seeds of Discord is actually a realistic novel. It depicts what goes on in our contemporary society on a day to day basis. As the title suggests, disbursing means spreading and...

BOOK REVIEW: Korondo-Panic!

BOOK TITLE: Korondo-Panic! (A Satarized Diary of a Kenyan’s Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic) AUTHOR: Joshua Nyang’au Araka Korindo-Panic delivers an entertaining, satirical and interesting reflection of life in Kenya at a critical time when the...

BOOK REVIEW: Peppered Path

AUTHOR: Joshua Nyang’au Araka REVIEWER: Prof. Elizabeth Bosire-Abenga Peppered Path delivers an entertaining account and interesting reflection on life in Nyagenke village three to six decades ago. While editing errors and linguistic absurdities appear to be part of the...

BOOK REVIEW: A Doll’s House

Book Title: A Doll’s House (2018 to 2022 compulsory set book play for F3s and F4s Kenyan Secondary School students). Author:  Henrik Ibsen Reviewer: Dr. George Ngwacho Areba Introduction A Doll's House (Norwegian: Et dukkehjem; also translated as A...

BOOK REVIEW: First Biocultural protocol book for Endorois Community launched

With modernization threatening traditional values and norms of various communities in the country, little known the Endorois community has taken a major step to preserve its rich history. According to the executive director of Endorois...