Residents of Bonchari constituency in Kisii county yesterday demonstrated over the sorry state of Iyabe Level Three Hospital.
They have been expecting it to be upgraded to level four.
They alleged that leaders diverted funds meant for the expansion of the facility to a different hospital.
Addressing the press at Iyabe, the residents said that the hospital has been sidelined in terms of development.
They claimed that the hospital was allocated Ksh 12 million but the money was diverted elsewhere.
One of them, Dennis Omoke, said that the hospital is not giving services as required.
“Residents are travelling to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital (KTRH) to seek health services and yet this hospital is supposed to serve the community,” Omoke said.
Omoke said that the hospital does not have wards and offices yet it’s a Sub-county facility.
His sentiments were echoed by Clare Ondieki, who said that the services the hospital was offering were not up to the expected standards.
“What hurts us more is when patients trave long distances to seek medical attention and yet there is a facility around us which is supposed to assist the community,” she said.
Geoffrey Omwendwa and Philip Motonu alleged that elected leaders from the constituency diverted the money to a different hospital in another constituency.
They said that there was scarcity of medicine in the hospital.
He said that Marani, Ogembo, Nduru and Nyamache hospitals have been upgraded yet Iyabe has been sidelined.
The residents said that they have tried to talk to area leaders and the county government but no action had been taken.
The residents said that it is one year since the ground was broken for the construction of the hospital.
They alleged that the hospital was funded by donors but they have not seen any progress.
They said that they will keep on picketing till their grievances are addressed by the authority concerned.
The residents said that they will not relent until the hospital is upgraded to level four.