Monthly Archives: April 2022
BOOK REVIEW: The Art of School Management
Author: Ogutu Maurice
Reviewer: Victor Ochieng'
Francis Bacon sagely said, “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed...
Why women’s political representation matters
Data on politics and governance has continued to paint the image of women being underrepresented at all levels of decision-making around the globe.
Women’s political...
AGRIBUSINESS: Value-adding pays off pumpkin farmers
Pumpkin farming is rare in Nyamira, a county well known for bananas, maize, and other subsistence and cash crops.
This is why it is exciting...
Bestrock Sacco moving forward despite sector challenges
Bestrock Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited is on an upward trajectory despite the enormous challenges facing the business sector in the country.
Making the...
Why there’s pride in peak performance
People who take pride in their performance also take ownership and hold themselves accountable to much higher standards. Shiv Khera writes about it in...
How to Build a Positive Attitude for Personality Development
A positive attitude encompasses seeing the bright side of life, both mentally and emotionally, and choosing to remain optimistic about yourself, your interactions and...
RESEARCH PAPER: The question of truth
The question of truth can be found in documents as old as the written language.
The ancient Greek philosophers, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle,...
Is our children’s future tied to examination grades alone?
Do you remember an instance when one of your primary school teachers beat you up for not scoring an A in their teaching subject?...
Invest and Grow Sacco gets stronger, 44 years on
Invest and Grow Kabras management has called for more teachers to join the Sacco as it continues to grow day by day.
Branch member Richard...
Help KCPE champions join schools they will be selected to
Parents whose children sat for the 2021 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) are now waiting with bated breath to know the secondary schools...