Dr. Gilbert Ang'ana

Dr. Ang’ana is a Leadership, Governance and Policy Consultant, and Advisor and CEO at Accent Leadership Group.
African countries' current model of addressing national needs is fraught with inefficiencies and discontinuities, primarily driven by the cyclical nature of electoral politics.
To maintain relevance and adaptability, the framework would include a mechanism for periodic reviews every five years, allowing for adjustments based on progress and emerging challenges.
Rwanda’s Vision 2050 showcases the nation’s remarkable advancements, particularly in information and...
The Populism Trap: Why Kenya’s Future Demands a Shift from Populist Ideologies
Dr. Gilbert Ang'ana -
We must prioritise credible leadership over populist narratives to address our socio-economic challenges, strengthen our democratic institutions, and reclaim our position as a regional leader.
Former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s ascent to power in 2013 leaned heavily on the narrative of being a victim of the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) prosecution and a unifier of ethnic groups.
Populist politics appeal to emotions...
How Warped Perspective of the Principle of Checks and Balance is Hurting Kenya, Africa
Dr. Gilbert Ang'ana -
A significant issue impacting the effectiveness of checks and balances in Kenya is the persistent power struggle between branches.
African principles such as Harambee in the East, Ubuntu in the South, Ummah in the North, and Sankofa in the West underscore the cultural value of unity and collective responsibility, emphasising community and mutual support.
Leaders must recognise that checks and balances...
Analysis of Kenya’s Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) from a Leadership and Governance Lens
Dr. Gilbert Ang'ana -
SHIF aims to reduce financial barriers for many underprivileged households, protecting them from the risk of escalating health costs.
I believe the government has not adequately thought through this aspect, and if they have, they’ve certainly failed to communicate the detailed framework to the public effectively.
To build trust in this new system, the government needs to open up more on...
Social media has become a battleground where insults are traded, and public disagreements are aired out in the open, often with little regard for the potential consequences.
Young leaders, in their quest to differentiate themselves from the old guard, are quick to call out corruption, inefficiency, and injustice.
The current generation of leaders, many of whom benefited from mentorship and the...
The Kenyan national anthem embodies the principle of honour through its invocation of divine guidance and the plea for blessings on the nation and its people.
It is the recognition that political power is not an end in itself but a means to serve the people. Effective governance requires that leaders prioritise the welfare of the nation over personal or...
Disengagement from our civic responsibilities has left us grappling with the consequences, and it is high time we confront this reality head-on.
It is our responsibility to demand credible leadership while ensuring our actions are constitutional and peaceful. We must safeguard our nation even as we strive for change.
By engaging in the democratic process through voting, participating in peaceful...