2023 Intake Open University of Kenya
2023 Intake Open University of Kenya

Dr. Nyatundo George Oruongo

Dr. Oruongo is a Kenyan Legal Scholar based in India. His contact: georgeprasam@gmail.com
Dr. Nyatundo George Oruongo is an Adjunct Lecturer, School of Law, Africa Nazarene University and Visiting Lecturer, School of Law, Kisii University. PHOTO/Courtesy.
In Kenyan politics, the makeover has been for the worse. It is all loss. The bloom for an open-air truth has fallen under the gloom of sensationalism, deceit and misinformation. Indeed, for a political chair, anything goes! If the release of populist political party manifesto extravaganzas were flashy, the debates turned flamboyant. Critics characterized the assurances therefrom as empty, wild, unrealistic...
The sovereign people are the source of all Constitutional Power in Kenya. This Constitution binds all persons and all State organs. It commits to nurturing and protecting the well-being of the nation by recognizing a government based on the essential values of human rights, equality, freedom, democracy, social justice, and the rule of law. Consequently, the government is subordinate to the people...
Once seen as exceptional events, use of referenda phenomena in processes of constitutional creation and alteration has snowballed into a global hellhole in recent decades. Indeed, they have egressed into fixed features of modern constitutional games. These devices have on occasions made life more convoluted for governments, parliaments and political parties. And at times, they have been valuable instruments to decipher enigmas...
Kenya may have its share of negativities but it has relatively one of the most vibrant media landscapes in Africa. In the country, journalists freely and actively work to expose and attack government corruption and other wrongdoing. However, several laws restrict free speech and press freedom in the country as is the case in many others. The government and security forces sometimes...
Delinquency is an unexpected occurrence that may be noticeable at any time before maturity of a child, particularly during teenage stage. Sometimes, it may extend out into adulthood. Physiological and emotional concerns, distresses or influences may lead a child to engage in unwarranted anti-social conduct including criminal transgression. State involvement in dealing with such delinquent behaviour, therefore, must be informed...
That is why there is skepticism if not scorn about reforming the alleged devil in the winner-take-all system. We are surrounded by a few winners in our decidedly inequitable status quo society. This creamy layer declares itself devotees of change. They claim to recognize the crisis and strive to participate in solving the problem. In fact, they expect to...