Nyamira Gubernatorial aspirant gives hints on wealth creation

A Nyamira County Gubernatorial aspirant has said that good health is a gateway to wealth creation.

Dr. Gideon Moseti promised to introduce a Triple Aim health care system in the county should he clinch the governor’s seat next year.

The Triple Aim framework entails an ambitious improvement of services at all levels of the health system.

Speaking to The Scholar MediaAfrica, Dr Moseti (pictured above), a medical engineer and consultant on Covid-19 mitigation, said that this model, which advocates for a systematic approach to change, is based on six phases.

It also has a change process that includes identification of target populations, definition of system aims and measures.

Others are development of a portfolio of project work that is sufficiently strong to move system-level results and rapid testing.

It also entails a scale up that is adapted to local needs and conditions.

“Should the model be well implemented, it will result into better healthcare outcomes which are cost reduction, quality care and accessibility for Nyamira and Kenya in extension,” said Dr Moseti.

The aspirant has been an architect and consultant for seveal of the world’s best healthcare systems.

Dr Moseti said Nyamira stands to benefit from the model if well implemented.

“I aspire to bring the best healthcare system to Nyamira county as a model from which the rest of Kenya will emulate,” he said.

He added that should he win the seat, he will initiate a one hundred-day rapid results initiative in the key sectors of health, infrastructure and Information
Technology so that he sets the pace for initiating his blue print in service deliverly.

Saving for the future

A beneficiary and strong believer of investment through savings, Dr Moseti believes that people can only grow and prosper by coming together and forming a Savings and Credit Cooperative society (SACCOs).

From the Saccos, they will empower themselves by borrowing and engaging in more income generating activities.

“I would love to be invited to any newly formed SACCO and give them any help hints of what will make them strong,” he said.

He added that it is through Saccos that many other people in other regions have grown.

He added that because people are majorly dependent on farming as their economic activity, they should invest in their cattle, bananas and any other produce from which they can sell, save some money and grow their savings gradually without the temptation to withdraw them for short term benefits.

Through this, he adds, they can meet and secure their old age financial needs.

“Nyamira is endowed with natural clay soil for brick making like the one in Sironga and Nyabioto which has been a major income earner for many people.

Dr. Gideon Moseti demonstrating how a machine he donated to Nyamira County Referral Hospital works. PHOTO/Courtesy.

If for example the people in these centers form and save with a SACCO, they can secure their future,” he noted.

“I will initiate a research center and engage technocrats to transform the clay soil in these regions to make more products that can be sold outside the country,” said the native of Manga sub-county.

He added: “Due to climatic changes, farming has to shift too and we invest in technology and alternative crops so that our people do not suffer the effects of prolonged drought and crop failure as has been witnessed in more than ten counties which have been reported to be facing starvation,” he said.

He said that he will help initiate research centers in all sub-counties to make this a reality.

“Our farmers must change tactc and discover new ways of earning income from farming,” he said.

He said fish farming for instance can boost income levels and offer a local alternative of protein supplements for their children.

He added that he will be keen to modernize agriculture to meet international standards.

This will create more jobs for the people and make Nyamira produce attractive products in the international market.

Strengthening public participation

Aware that citizen engagement is key to the success of any project, Dr Moseti says that he will inject more resources to the public participation docket.

This will create more time and materials necessary to meet with the public through various platforms as enshrined in the constitution so that they have a high stake from the initial stages to the end.

“The 2010 constitution has given the mandate to the people to prioritize projects for themselves while the government is left to implement.

In such a scenario, I will take more time to listen to public views to give us direction on what to give priority,” Dr. Moseti added.

He said that for public participation to be effective, the docket must be supported with more funds and training for the officers in charge.

This will make the officers know how to deal with public
complaints and handle civic issues appropriately.

For the general county staff, Dr. Moseti would wish to help them improve their skills through continuous training.

He will also introduce staff motivation incentives so that they are more productive.

“The goings on in the County government of Nyamira (demotions and payroll cleaning) is a mess that should not be happening in the first place,” he said.

He said if all systems were working well and each officer handled his/her assignments well, then such malpractices would be a thing of
the past.

Dr. Moseti giving a motivational talk to St. Andrew Nyabigege Secondary School students during his visit to the school, recently. PHOTOS/Courtesy.
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Dr. Nyakundi is a Biomedical Technologist, Cinical Engineer, and Administrator based in the US. He is a Nyamira County Gubernatorial aspirant, come 2022 general election.


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