2023 Intake Open University of Kenya
2023 Intake Open University of Kenya

Bonface Otieno

Mr. Otieno is a Literature enthusiast, an English/Literature teacher, a writer, poet, playwright, and novelist. He is the President of the Bleeding Ink Global Writers Society, a detail-oriented columnist, and a literary critic. His contact: bonfacetieno551@gmail.com
The front cover of the anthology 327 Thousand Feet High by Anthony Oduori. PHOTO/Bonface Otieno, Scholar Media Africa.
Title: 327 Thousand Feet High Author: Anthony Wesonga Oduori Edited by: Tom Odhiambo  Publisher: Contact Zones Publishers Reviewer: Bonface Otieno Poetry is a unique genre of expression most writers have incorporated freely in their means to condemn, appreciate, critique, respond to and create new world ideologies.  Similarly, writers have traditionally intended to have their audiences' needs met through their artistic works.  As such, poetry educates, excites,...
Front cover of A Silent Song and Other Stories set-book. PHOTO/Courtesy.
Title: A Silent Song and Other Stories (Part two) Editor: Selected and Edited by Godwin Siundu  Published by: Spotlight Publishers E.A Limited  Publication Year: 2020 Reviewer: Bonface Otieno Recently, I reviewed the first five stories in the Anthology of A Silent Song and Other Stories.   This second section of the review focuses on the following stories: "The Sins of the Fathers", "The Truly Married Woman",...
Through the Children Act 2022 (section 25 (3) (b) (c)), Kenya formally repealed the right of parents and others to "administer reasonable punishment" to children; corporal punishment shall not be inflicted upon a child by any person. PHOTO/Courtesy.
Recently, posts of video clips and photos have been going viral on social media showing teachers inflicting disastrous corporal punishment on their learners.  The larger audience of concerned stakeholders and the government has criticized this.  Some educators have faced the consequences of their actions by being arrested and charged. Discipline in schools has been a major problem all over the country, and...
Caroline Nakanyike performs on stage in Kampala, a show organized by Christian Poets in Uganda. Since childhood, she has been mastering the art of poetry, oral presentation and public speaking. PHOTO/Courtesy.
Everyone’s life on earth is not a mistake; if there is one thing to claim, everyone is born with a purpose, and so are they all abled differently. Born in 1999 and raised in Kigunga, Mukono District, Uganda, the young girl’s dramatic personality was noticeable from birth. Growing up, Caroline Nakanyike developed a passion for acting, but the moral decadence she...
Front cover of A Silent Song and Other Stories, one of the new set books for Kenyan Secondary Schools. PHOTO/Bonface Otieno, The Scholar Media Africa.
Title: A Silent Song and Other Stories Selected & Edited by: Godwin Siundu Published by: Spotlight Publishers E.A Limited Publication Year: 2020 The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) is a summative test examination that students are tested and graded every academic year to determine their future career and placement in higher learning institutions.  Just like in many other countries, English/Literature is among the...
Anthony Oduori, a renowned Kenyan poet, author and literature-lover. PHOTO/Courtesy.
Born and bred as a village boy at the Bukulumi village of Bukulumi Butula constituency, Busia county, Antony Wesonga Oduori first set foot in Nairobi City, Kenya’s capital, courtesy of Lenana School for his secondary education. “I had a frugal childhood, but it never bothers me... I don’t feel sorry for myself. In fact, I despise people who carry their...